Busy 1st Quarter of 2023

Been spending first quarter of the year travelling as market volume slowly picks back up, as promised, will be back here more often (with my broken english).

personal market sentiment is very bearish, though central banks are coming back to revive/print don’t think it can save banks like ’08. Or, at least i don’t anticipate market to be react in a positive manner. This is not a “short” signal or a “long” one, i’m hedged either way.

Crypto have been the same, i’ve recently discover specific elements to help increase my trading win rate, so i’d hope to improve on it. Additionally, i’ve been busy trying to get more exposure into protocols (yields are great now).

Think price will draw up to Q3 of 2022 high (2k).

Will come back with another short post about my stocks…. Also, just started out my prop trading test (to get funding).

Wishing you all well and LFG 2023.

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